Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lawn Care Solutions - Removing Crabgrass!


Unlike thatch, these grass-like weeds will spread all over your
lawn. They may even invade your driveway, walkway, and
sidewalks. Removing these weeds is a little trickier since they
are heartier than other kinds of weeds. Pulling them out at the
roots can be a lot harder than it would seem. With a network of
underground roots, these weeds can cling to the ground for a
long time.

Removing them may require the use of chemicals, such as
herbicides, in order to remove all of them.


Crabgrass is yellow or pale green in color and resembles a crab
because it grows in an outward direction. There are two ways to
kill crabgrass; destroying the seeds, or destroying the plant.
Knowing a little bit about their growing season will help you
determine the best time to kill them.

Continue To Read The Full Article Here : Lawn Care Solutions - Removing Crabgrass!

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