Soil content
This refers to the color, smell, and feel of the soil. Since
soil can vary greatly from home to home, you will need to do
your research to find out how your lawn's soil measures up.
You should have your soil analyzed in order to determine the pH
level, nutrient level, and chemical properties. If you are not a
gardener or a chemist, you can call your local gardening service
who can take a sample. You may have to wait a few weeks for the
results, however.
The soil content is a very important part of cultivating a
good-looking lawn. Once you know more about the soil content,
you will be able to choose flowers and plants that will survive,
learn about ways to enhance existing soil, and also find ways to
add nutrients to the soil so that the grass will be able to grow.
Continue To Read The Full Article Here : Lawn Soil Content and Types of Grass in Your Lawn!