Most synthetic fertilizers contain components and chemicals
which can be harmful to living organisms, and therefore organic
gardening usually is a wiser option. If you wish to apply
organic gardening techniques, you should start by avoiding all
synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, and use natural options
Once you have decided where you will plant, you should apply
natural compost and rock materials to it. If you have flower
beds, you should add about 3" of organic material to them; this
will add enough nutrients and humus as well as help conserving
If you have acid-loving plants, a good idea is to place a layer
of pine needles over their bed every fall, since these needles
have a nourishing acid which will help the plants growing strong
and healthy. Try to avoid using any pesticide by making sure of
adding enough organic soil, since this component strengthens the
immune system of the plants and helps them growing strong.
Continue To Read The Full Article Here : Some Organic Gardening Tips