Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lawn Care Solutions - Removing Crabgrass!


Unlike thatch, these grass-like weeds will spread all over your
lawn. They may even invade your driveway, walkway, and
sidewalks. Removing these weeds is a little trickier since they
are heartier than other kinds of weeds. Pulling them out at the
roots can be a lot harder than it would seem. With a network of
underground roots, these weeds can cling to the ground for a
long time.

Removing them may require the use of chemicals, such as
herbicides, in order to remove all of them.


Crabgrass is yellow or pale green in color and resembles a crab
because it grows in an outward direction. There are two ways to
kill crabgrass; destroying the seeds, or destroying the plant.
Knowing a little bit about their growing season will help you
determine the best time to kill them.

Continue To Read The Full Article Here : Lawn Care Solutions - Removing Crabgrass!

Monday, June 11, 2007

A Gift Fit for a Gardener!

Giving gifts by interest isn't always as easy as it sounds. So
often the person has just about everything they want in that
category, and so more stuff in that area is hard to find. They
either have a better one or don't want it most of the time.

Fortunately, sometimes you can get around that, especially for
gardeners. You just have to figure it out.

The obvious gift for a gardener is a plant. The right plant
depends on what type of gardening they enjoy.

Some strongly prefer roses, for example. If you want to give the
gift of a rose bush to a rose lover, you will want to pick very
carefully. Look at the varieties the person is growing right
now. If there's a strong preference for a particular type or
color, that is something you will want to keep in mind. Maybe
you can find a somewhat unusual rose bush for them that would go
well in the garden.

Bonsai would be another option, rather than giving something
meant to be planted outside. There are many beautiful varieties
of bonsai out there, from trees to bushes to flowering plants.

Continue To Read The Full Article Here : A Gift Fit for a Gardener!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Lawn Soil Content and Types of Grass in Your Lawn!

Soil content

This refers to the color, smell, and feel of the soil. Since
soil can vary greatly from home to home, you will need to do
your research to find out how your lawn's soil measures up.

You should have your soil analyzed in order to determine the pH
level, nutrient level, and chemical properties. If you are not a
gardener or a chemist, you can call your local gardening service
who can take a sample. You may have to wait a few weeks for the
results, however.

The soil content is a very important part of cultivating a
good-looking lawn. Once you know more about the soil content,
you will be able to choose flowers and plants that will survive,
learn about ways to enhance existing soil, and also find ways to
add nutrients to the soil so that the grass will be able to grow.

Continue To Read The Full Article Here : Lawn Soil Content and Types of Grass in Your Lawn!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Bonsai : What And What Not To Do

Bonsai plants are all tree. By definition, a bonsai tree is a
tree in a pot if we literally translate the word bonsai from
Japanese to English. However bonsai as an art form requires more
then a tree in pot which some may call a stick in a pot.

A few elements are essential to a great bonsai tree and here is
a list of the elements I consider the most important when
designing a bonsai in the most respectuous manner of the
japanese art form of gardening.

- A well developed, rounded crown with delicate branches

- Trunk must have a gradual taper, an interesting shape and a
smooth bark without any marks or scars.

- Excellent branching structure with detailed ramification
(short internodes.)

- Healthy and vigorous green foliage or needles

Continue To Read The Full Article Here : Bonsai : What And What Not To Do

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

9 Essential Tips On How To Build Your Own Green House

Have you ever thought about the pleasure you would get from
building your own greenhouse? There are numerous sizes and
designs for you to choose from. By building your own greenhouse
you will receive the satisfaction of tending to your own
vegetables, plants, flowers, or whatever you decide to grow. A
greenhouse will also provide your plants the sunlight and
humidity that they need. Every time you visit your greenhouse
you will have a sense of pride knowing that when each crop comes
to fruition your efforts are rewarded.

By building your own small greenhouse you will save more money.
Depending on your budget there are many materials and supplies
at your disposal to build your dream garden. If you have the
space, a larger greenhouse may be in your best interest because
you can maximize the space that you have to grow more plants and

There are many factors to consider when building a greenhouse to
utilize the area you have to propagate more plants. Here are
some tips and factors for you to consider when building your own

Continue To Read The Full Article Here : 9 Essential Tips On How To Build Your Own Green House